(NBC, 1975-81)-Chuck Woolery:
- Unaired
(VTR: 8/28/74) - 2nd pilot (also hosted by Edd Byrnes); Lois
vs. Tanya vs. Frank (studio master; has time code at the
bottom of the screen; Internet Archive download) {27}
(NBC, 1981-89)
- Dec
28 1981 - Pat's 1st/Mon “Teen Week” ep; Jim vs. Keith vs.
Stacie (original broadcast w/commercials) {29} [1.1280]
6th Season:
- Oct
05 1988 - S-996: 1st taped ep. w/the modified bonus round
rules; Sharon vs. Amy vs. Gordon (original broadcast
w/commercials from WCBS; missing final segment) {29}
- Oct
25 1988 - S-1017: Pan vs. Kathy vs. Neal (Game Show Network
repeat from 2003 w/commercials; missing first couple of
seconds; top of the video is shaky at times) {29} [1.3012]
- Sep
04 1989 - S-1171: 7th season premiere (now from CBS TV City
w/returning champs, random selection of bonus prizes, and
the new theme arrangement); Gisele vs. Julie vs. Jackie
(original broadcast w/commercials from WCBS) {29} [1.2998]
- Sep
07 1992 - S-1756: 10th season premiere; Stephanie vs. Ben
vs. Marilyn (Game Show Network repeat w/commercials) {30}
- Oct
05 1992 - S-1776: Rob vs. Jennifer vs. Chris (now w/the
Surprise wedge) (Game Show Network repeat w/commercials;
Internet Archive download) {30} [1.1081]
- Oct
08 1992 - S-1779: George vs. Jason vs. Dalet (Jason Block
was a contestant on "Turn It Up!" back in 1990 who would
later appear on "WWtBaM", "J!", "Catch 21", and "Cash Cab".)
(Game Show Network repeat w/commercials) {30} [1.2914]
- May
21 1993 - S-1930: "College Week" finals ep. (from Boston);
Jim Bob vs. Leigh vs. Todd (original broadcast w/commercials
from WABC) {29} [1.2915]
- May
25 1993 - S-1932: Brian vs. Barry vs. Barbara (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {29} [1.2916]
- Sep
04 1995 - S-2341: 13th season premiere/Mon "Teen Week" ep.
(now from Sony Pictures Studios w/the "Double Play" token);
Ben vs. John vs. Jay (original broadcast w/commercials from
KABC) {29} [1.2227]
- Oct
20 1995 - S-2375: Becky vs. Tracey vs. Steve (Game Show
Network repeat) {22} [1.2792]
- Oct
23 1995 - S-2376: Steve vs. John vs. Stacey (Game Show
Network repeat) {21} [1.2793]
- Nov
15 1995 - S-2393: Wed "College Week" ep. (from Seattle);
Virginia vs. Elisa vs. Brady (Game Show Network repeat) {21}
- Dec
01 1995 - S-2405: Sheila vs. Wayne vs. Mokihana (Johnny
Gilbert sub-announces, and Pat cuts Vanna’s hair at the
end!) (Game Show Network repeat) {21} [1.2228]
- Dec
04 1995 - S-2406: Sandy vs. Ben vs. Wayne (Johnny Gilbert
sub-announces) (Game Show Network repeat) {21} [1.2795]
- Feb
12-13 1996 - S-2451-2452 - 2 consecutive "Big Island Week"
eps. (from Hawaii) (both Game Show Network repeats) {both
- Mon
ep; Lon vs. Brigitte vs. Lowell [1.2796]
- Tue
ep; Matthew vs. Lowell vs. Marie (w/an appearance by Pat's
daughter, Maggie at the end!) [1.2229]
- Feb
22 1996 - S-2459: Thu "Family Week" ep. (from Hawaii);
Connie & Connie vs. Lenell & Donna vs. Pierre &
Christine (Game Show Network repeat) {20} [1.2797]
- Sep
02 1996 - S-2536: 14th season premiere (now w/the
"tournament" format and video wall); Jim vs. Rich vs.
Valerie (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC;
Dailymotion rip {28} [1.2895], also Game Show Network repeat
{22} [1.2295])
- Nov
21 1996 - S-2594: Thu "College Week" ep. (from San
Francisco); Thayer vs. Julie vs. Bambi (During the bonus
round, Pat's cold gets to him, so he and Vanna switch
places!) (original broadcast) {22} [1.1278]
- Nov
22 1996 - S-2595: "College Week" finals ep. (from San
Francisco); Mel vs. Thayer vs. Danielle (Game Show Network
repeat) {20} [1.2296]
- Feb
11 1997 (VTR: 1/24/97) - S-2647: Wed ep. from Phoenix; Brad
vs. Rick vs. Alison (1st segment from studio master; rest of
show from original broadcast) {22} [1.2494]
- Feb
21 1997 - S-2655: "Family Week" finals ep. (from Phoenix;
and the last one w/the old puzzle board); Jerry & Debby
vs. Shanna & Thomas vs. Wendy & Joe (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2297]
- Feb
24 1997 - S-2656: 1st ep. w/the "touch-screen" puzzle board;
Jim vs. Nancy vs. Joel (original broadcast w/commercials
from WABC) {28} [1.2298]
- Apr
04 1997 - S-2680: Friday Finals ep; Amy vs. Jim vs. Carol
(original broadcast from WLNY) {22} [1.2299]
- Apr
28 1997 - S-2696: Sherry vs. Tracey vs. Dave (original
broadcast from WLNY) {22} [1.2495]
- May
01 1997 - S-2699: Anglia vs. Ryan vs. Jonathan (Ryan Vickers
is a veteran GS contestant) (original broadcast from WLNY)
{22} [1.2300]
- May
02 1997 - S-2700: Friday Finals ep; Ardis vs. Sherry vs.
Ryan (same story as above) (original broadcast from WLNY)
{22} [1.2301]
- Jun
13 1997 - S-2730: 14th season finale/Friday Finals ep;
Johanna vs. Melanie vs. Sharlene (original broadcast from
WLNY) {22} [1.2302]
- Sep
01 1997 - S-2731: 15th season premiere/"Salute to Working
Families" (from the Ohio State fair in Columbus); Art &
Jack vs. Juliette & Juliette vs. Kari & Vicki (w/an
appearance by AFL-CIO president John Sweeney) (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2305]
- Oct
17 1997 - S-2765: Friday Finals ep; Mac vs. Ed vs. Michael
(Vanna mentions Wheel 2000 in the end) (original broadcast
from WLNY) {22} [1.2306]
- Oct
29 1997 - S-2773: Michael vs. Tamara vs. Joel (original
broadcast w/commercials from WVEC) {28} [1.2496]
- Nov 24
1997 - S-2791: Mon "Best Friends Week" ep. (w/teams
playing); Melanie & Amy vs. George & Darren vs.
Rick & Darryll (one of the contestants is deaf)
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Jan
12 1998 - S-2821: Joanna vs. Beverly vs. Don (original
broadcast from WLNY) {22} [1.3016]
- Feb
12 1998 - S-2844: Thu ep. from Las Vegas; Joanna vs. Chris
vs. "Q" (original broadcast from WLNY) {22} [1.3017]
- Mar
04 1998 - S-2858: Frank S. vs. Myra vs. Frank D. (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2308]
- Apr
27 1998 - S-2891: Mon "AM & FM Week" ep. (w/teams of
local radio DJs and civilians); Matt Harris & Joey vs.
Danny Williams & Charlotte vs. Kelly Ford & Ryan
(original broadcast w/commercials from KABC) {29} [1.3018]
- May
04 1998 - S-2896: ep. from Houston; Paul vs. Michael vs.
Sherry (original broadcast w/few commercials from WABC) {22}
- May
06 1998 - S-2898: another ep. from Houston; Rudy vs. Rebecca
vs. Richard (has a $10,350 Jackpot win!) (original broadcast
w/commercials from KSDK; video pixelates at times) {29}
- May
14 1998 - S-2904: Thu "College Week" ep. (from Houston); Joe
Bob vs. Courtney vs Alvaro (the Bankrupt wedge does not get
landed on the whole game!) (original broadcast w/few
commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2311]
- May
28 1998 (VTR: 4/3/98) - S-2914: Mike vs. Mark vs. Ginger
(studio master) {29} [1.2999]
- Sep
07 1998 - S-2926: 16th season premiere/"Salute to Working
Families" (from Pittsburgh); Rod & Judy vs. Sanjit &
Manjit vs. Tony & Janet (original broadcast w/few
commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2330]
- Sep
10 1998 - S-2929: another ep. from Pittsburgh; Debbie &
Charlene vs. Marquerite & Marita vs. Judi & Gary
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Sep
14 1998 - S-2931: another ep. from Pittsburgh; Bill vs. Amy
vs. Ray (has an appearance by Fred Rogers!) (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2332]
- Oct
20 1998 - S-2957: David vs. Yvette vs. Lisa (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {23} [1.2333]
- Nov
20 1998 - S-2980: 3,000th ep. (from Las Vegas) w/no
contestants or gameplay, just Pat & Vanna, lots of clips
(including the original pilot, Vanna's audition tape and
first episode, and more!), and reminiscences by Merv
Griffin! (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28}
- Dec
11 1998 - S-2995: Annette vs. Melissa vs. Ari (original
broadcast w/commercials from KABC; has Aimersoft logo on
upper-left-hand corner of the screen) {29} [1.2335]
- Dec
25 1998 - S-3005: Christmas Day ep; Corey vs. Claudia vs.
Bruce (original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Jan
06 1999 - S-3013: Hanna vs. Nancy vs. Mike (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2337]
- Jan
18 1999 - S-3021: John vs. Patrick vs. Leanna (original
broadcast w/commercials from WPVI) {28} [1.2338]
- Mar
01 1999 - S-3051: Angela vs. Ricci vs. Ricky (has the
infamous "Teeny-Weeny" moment) (original broadcast w/few
commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2339]
- Mar
22 1999 - S-3066: Mark vs. Chesterlean vs. Lisa (original
broadcast w/commercials from KHOU) {30} [1.2340]
- May
05 1999 - S-3098 from Philadelphia; Scott vs. Jean vs. Patti
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- May
06 1999 - S-3099 from Philadelphia; Frank vs. Megan vs. John
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY; missing
about last minute of the 2nd segment) {22} [1.2342]
- May
11-12 1999 - 2 consecutive "College Week" eps. from
Philadelphia (both original broadcasts w/few commercials
from WLNY) {both 22}:
- S-3102:
Tue ep; Christopher vs. Lajewel vs. Kerrie (has an
appearance by Boyz II Men!) [1.2343]
- S-3103:
Wed ep; Jon vs. Herb vs. Genene [1.2344]
- May
21 1999 - S-3110: Shari vs. Mike vs. Autumn (this was Dick
Carson's last show as director; w/a goodbye and tribute from
Pat and Vanna at the end!) (original broadcast w/few
commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2345]
- May
24 1999 - S-3111: Robert vs. Michelle vs. Joseph (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2346]
- Sep
06 1999 - S-3121: 17th season premiere; Spencer vs. Brenda
vs. Eric (original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY)
{22} [1.2351]
- Sep
09 1999 - S-3124: Dawn vs. Rich vs. Aaron (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2352]
- Sep
23-24 1999 - 2 consecutive eps. from Universal Studios
Florida (both original broadcasts w/few commercials from
WLNY) {both 22}:
- S-3134:
Thu ep; Mary vs. David vs. Jessica [1.2353]
- S-3135:
Fri ep; Joy vs. Amy vs. Tyler [1.2354]
- Oct
20 1999 - S-3153: Kimberley vs. David vs. Joe (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2355]
- Nov
03 1999 - S-3163: Darlene vs. Chantal vs. Kent (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {27} [1.3019]
- Nov
05 1999 - S-3165: Denise vs. Elene vs. Steve (has "The
String Section" moment) (original broadcast w/few
commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2361]
- Nov
08 1999 - S-3166: ep. from New York; Romy vs. Nicole vs.
Pedro (original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Nov
11 1999 - S-3169: ep. from New York; David vs. Chandra vs.
Joe (has the infamous "A Group of Pill-Pushers" mis-solve!)
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Nov
12 1999 - S-3170: ep. from New York; Philippa vs. Don vs.
Richard (has a cameo by Alex Trebek!) (original broadcast
w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2669]
- Nov
19 1999 - S-3175: Fri "Best Friends Week" ep. from New York;
Christine & Corey vs. Pat & Stanley vs. Jason &
Ray (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28}
- Dec
03 1999 - S-3185: Jan vs. Sandra vs. Erik (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2365]
- Dec
09 1999 - S-3189: Deborah vs. Josh vs. Esther (a contestant
is very excited!) (12/2/00 weekend repeat from WLNY) {22}
- Dec
20 1999 - S-3196: Michael vs. Robert vs. Teresa (original
broadcast from WLNY) {22} [1.2551]
- Dec
24 1999 - S-3200: Fri "Christmas Week" ep; Julie vs. Hank
vs. Michael (original broadcast w/few commercials WLNY) {22}
- Dec
27 1999 - S-3201: Mon "Retro Week" ep. (where they pay
tribute to the shopping era); Jill vs. Brad vs. Ed (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2671]
- Dec
28 1999 - S-3202: Tue "Retro Week" ep; Natalie vs. Gary vs.
Rachael (has an appearance by Richard Simmons in the end!)
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Dec
30 1999 - S-3204: Thu "Retro Week" ep; Colleen vs. Kathleen
vs. Jeff (original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY)
{22} [1.2673]
- Dec
31 1999 - S-3205: Fri "Retro Week" ep; Anthony vs. Jeannie
vs. Tiffany (original broadcast w/some commercials from
WLNY) {27} [1.2366]
- Jan
17 2000 - S-3216: C.C. vs. Pat vs. Eric (original broadcast
from WLNY) {22} [1.3020]
- Jan
27 2000 - S-3224: Thu "NFL Players Week" ep. w/Dick Butkus,
Raghib "Rocket" Ismail, and Jon Kitna; Beth vs. Sundi vs.
Brian (original broadcast w/commercials from KOMO) {29}
- Feb
14 2000 - S-3236: from New Orleans: Kenny vs. Heather vs.
Alisha (has an appearance by David Hasslehoff and Aussie WoF
hostess Sophie Faulkiner is seen in the audience!) (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2515]
- Mar
01 2000 - S-3248: Ray vs. Carita vs. Lynn (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2516]
- Mar
16 2000 - S-3259: Lynn vs. Michelle vs. Danny (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {23} [1.2517]
- May
16 2000 - S-3302: Michael vs. Homer vs. Kathleen (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2518]
- Jun
02 2000 - S-3315: 17th season finale; Tony vs. Robert vs.
Pat (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30}
- Sep
04 2000 - S-3316: 18th season premiere; Karen vs. Joe vs.
Cecelia (original broadcast from WLNY {22} [1.2367], also
original broadcast w/commercials from WABC {28}[1.3021])
- Sep
05 2000 - S-3317: Earl vs. Mary Beth vs. Erik (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2368]
- Sep
12 2000 - S-3322: Chuck vs. Todd vs. Melissa (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.3000]
- Sep
22 2000 - S-3330: Salle vs. Deanna vs. Leonard (Leonard
Stone was a veteran actor) (original broadcast w/commercials
from WABC) {28} [1.2369]
- Sep
25 2000 - S-3331: Dustin vs. Kimberlee vs. Julie (Patrick
and Maggie Sajak appear at the end) (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2370]
- Sep
29 2000 - S-3335: Brian vs. Dorceia vs. Tom (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2371]
- Oct
05 2000 - S-3339: Nick vs. Michelle vs. Beverly (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2372]
- Nov
02 2000 - S-3359: Thu "Halloween Week" ep; Richard Simmons
(as William Shakespeare) vs. Tara Lipinski (as a genie) vs.
*Alex Trebek* (as a gnome, and his son makes an appearance
at the end!) (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY)
{29} [1.2373]
- Nov
10 2000 - S-3365: Fri ep. from Washington D.C.; Candace vs.
George vs. Will (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY)
{29} [1.2374]
- Nov
27 2000 - S-3376: Felicia vs. Perry vs. Mica (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2375]
- Jan
09 2001 - S-3407: Anmarie vs. Christy vs. Tom (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2376]
- Jan
15 2001 - S-3411: Steve vs. Frantz vs. Melissa (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2377]
- Feb
01 2001 - S-3424: Jim vs. Heather vs. Richard (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2378]
- Feb
05 2001 - S-3426: Mon "College Week" ep. (from Washington
D.C.); Camille vs. Evan vs. James (original broadcast
w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2379]
- Feb
07 2001 - S-3428: Wed "College Week" ep. (from Washington
D.C.); Kristy vs. Matthew vs. Sona (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2380]
- Feb
09 2001 - S-3430: Fri "College Week" ep. (from Washington
D.C.); Julia vs. David vs. Travis (has a $90,250 winner!)
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2381]
- Feb
12 2001 - S-3431: Mon "Family Week" ep. )from Hawaii); Alice
& Dorothy vs. Arnold & Edward vs. Venusto &
Kathryn (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29}
- Feb
23 2001 - S-3440: Fri ep. from Hawaii; Kapualoke vs. Brad
vs. Lourdes (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY)
{30} [1.2383]
- Feb
26 2001 - S-3441: Sarah vs. Kathryn vs. Rishi (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2384]
- Feb
28 2001 - S-3443: Jon vs. Nancy vs. Stacy (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2385]
- Mar
21 2001 - S-3458: Vicki vs. Danny vs. Jimmy (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2386]
- Mar
22 2001 - S-3459: Dia vs. Michael vs. Blythe (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2387]
- Apr
24 2001 - S-3482: Amy vs. Dee Dee vs. Brandon (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2388]
- Apr
30-May 04 2001 - S-3486-3490: an entire "Soap City Week"
(all original broadcasts w/commercials):
- Mon
ep. w/Kim Zimmer, Peter Reckell, and Lynn Herring; Carol
vs. Anita vs. Lori (who's in a wheelchair) (from WLNY)
{30} [1.3001]
- Tue
ep. w/Coltin Scott, Galen Gering, and Scott Reeves; Jenee
vs. Kelly vs. Esther (from WLNY) {30} [1.3002]
- Wed
ep. w/Lauren Koslow, Michelle Stafford, and Adrienne
Frantz; Anna vs. Jenna vs. Kevin (Jenna Zablocki is a
singer/actress) (from WABC) {28} [1.3003]
- Thu
ep. w/Rick Hearst, Sarah Buxton, and Joseph Mascolo; Pam
vs. David vs. Angie (has a appearance by Kevin Spirtas in
the end) (from WLNY) {30} [1.3004]
- Fri
ep. w/Jay Kenneth Johnson, Marisa Ramirez, and David Lago;
Amy vs. James vs. Cheri (from WLNY) {30} [1.3005]
- May
07 2001 - S-3491: Mon ep. from Dallas; Lindsay vs. Chuck vs.
Chris (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29}
- May
09 2001 - S-3493: Wed ep. from Dallas; Sequita vs. Tom vs.
Susan (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29}
- May
18 2001 - S-3500: Fri "Best Friends Week" ep. from Dallas;
Becky & Sherri vs. Kurt & Mike vs. Amelia & Kirk
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- May
31 2001 - S-3509: Shundrekia vs. Lou vs. Lee (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2392]
- Jun
01 2001 - S-3510: 18th season finale; Abel vs. Brian vs.
Jackie (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28}
- Sep
03 2001 - S-3511: 19th season premiere; Dante vs. Brian vs.
Marva (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28}
- Sep
10 2001 - S-3516: Chris vs. Kathy vs. Steve (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2155]
- Sep
11 2001 - S-3517: Michele vs. B.J. vs. Julie (this was
pre-empted on most stations to news coverage of that day's
terrorist attacks) (original broadcast; partial end credits)
{22} [1.2156]
- Sep
12 2001 - S-3518: Elizabeth vs. Laurie vs. John (same story
as above) (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30}
- Sep
13 2001 - S-3519:Anh vs. Allison vs. Samantha (same story as
above) (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30}
- Sep
14 2001 - S-3520: Katherine vs. Reynirio vs. Frank (same
story as above) (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY)
{29} [1.2159]
- Sep
17 2001 - S-3521: Rob vs. Sabrina vs. Amy (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2160]
- Sep
18 2001 - S-3522: Russel vs. Cindy vs. Perry (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2161]
- Oct
08 2001 - S-3536: Ola vs. Joe vs. Corrine (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2464]
- Oct
09 2001 - S-3537: Heather vs. AJ vs. Sara (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2465]
- Oct
22 2001 - S-3546: La Donna & Lewis vs. Brian &
Chalou vs. Claudia & Oliverio (the Bonus Round wheel
debuts) (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30}
- Oct
31 2001 - S-3553: Halloween ep; Michael vs. Dave vs. Amber
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2467]
- Dec
04 2001 - S-3577: Jesse Roy vs. Michelle vs. Susie (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2468]
- Dec
11 2001 - S-3582: Christopher vs. Katie vs. April (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2247]
- Dec
19 2001 - S-3588: Douglas vs. Beckie vs. Mike (has the
first-ever $100,000 Bonus Round win!) (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2248]
- Dec
20 2001 - S-3589: Danielle vs. Cori vs. Dave (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2469]
- Jan
02 2002 - S-3598: Chad vs. Sandra vs. Jamie (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2470]
- Jan
10 2002 - S-3604: Thu "NFL Players Week" ep. w/Doug Flutie,
Tim Brown, and Shannon Sharpe; Shannon vs. Mazi vs. Kristy
(original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2471]
- Jan
14 2002 - S-3606: Tom vs. Riney vs. George (has the
first-ever $100,000 Bonus Round loss!) (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {28} [1.2472]
- Feb
04 2002 - S-3621: Stacy vs. Tina vs. Kareem (has the
infamous "Miners & Hoes" Toss-up missolve) (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2525]
- Feb
05 2002 - S-3622: Kia vs. Steve vs. Heidi (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2526]
- Feb
14 2002 - S-3629: Thu "Sweethearts Week" ep. (from Las
Vegas); Karen & Steve vs. John & Andrea vs. Patricia
& Alexander (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY)
{30} [1.2527]
- Feb
18 2002 - S-3631: Mon "Big Money Week" ep. (from Las Vegas);
Cary vs. Traci vs. John (original broadcast w/commercials
from WABC) {28} [1.2528]
- Feb
20 2002 - S-3633: Wed "Big Money Week" ep. (from Las Vegas);
Melissa vs. Debra vs. Robert (original broadcast
w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2529]
- Mar
19 2002 - S-3652: Kyle vs. Sarah vs. Jill (has the "Plastic
Straps" missolve) (original broadcast w/commercials from
WABC) {28} [1.2530]
- Apr
01 2002 - S-3661: Fred vs. Diana vs. Kristin (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2511]
- Apr
02 2002 - S-3662: Tammy vs. Jason vs. David (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2512]
- Apr
04 2002 - S-3664: Jana vs. Danelle vs. Art (has the infamous
"Music & Pizza Boy" missolve) (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2513]
- Apr
11 2002 - S-3669: Dale vs. Ben vs. Linda (has the infamous
"An Ugly Child" Toss-Up missolve) (original broadcast
w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2249]
- Apr
26 2002 - S-3680: Fri "Nascar Week" ep; Clint vs. Drew vs.
Jeanette (has the infamous "Last-Minute Cocktails" Toss-Up
missolve) (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY;
blacks out for a few seconds on said Toss-up) {29} [1.2250]
- May
07 2002 - S-3687 from Chicago; Demetra vs. Zach vs. Jennifer
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2531]
- May
14 2002 - S-3692: Tue "College Week" ep. (from Chicago);
Kelly vs. Matthew vs. Benson (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2532]
- May
20 2002 - S-3696: Mon "Sports Fans Week" ep. from Chicago;
Jen vs. Nadine vs. David (has the 3rd $100,000 Bonus Round
loss of the 19th season) (original broadcast w/commercials
from WLNY) {29} [1.3006]
- May
30 2002 - S-3704: Nicole vs. Randy vs. Peggy (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2533]
- May
31 2002 - S-3705: 19th season finale; Richard vs. Jacinta
vs. Deanna (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30}
- Sep
02 2002 - S-3706: 20th season premiere (w/the debut of the
"Mystery Wedges"); Patrick vs. Kelly vs. Roger (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY; fair quality video)
{22} [1.2265]
- Sep
12 2002 - S-3714: Dana vs. Al vs. Jim (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.3022]
- Sep
13 2002 - S-3715: Wendy vs. David vs. Kristen (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2266]
- Sep
30 2002 - S-3726: Perry vs. Susan vs. Sylvia (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2267]
- Oct
07 2002 - S-3731: Lu vs. Jason vs. Wade (has a $100,000
Bonus Round loss) (original broadcast w/few commercials from
WLNY) {22} [1.2439]
- Oct
15 2002 - S-3737: Erin vs. Tom vs. Brian (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2268]
- Oct
23 2002 - S-3743: La Mar vs. Dawn vs. Denice (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2269]
- Oct
31 2002 - S-3749: Halloween ep; Adrienne vs. Pam vs. W.C.
(original broadcast w/commercials from KABC) {28} [1.2270]
- Nov
04 2002 - S-3751: Mon ep. from Seattle; Ashley vs. Ryan vs.
Melissa (original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY)
{22} [1.2440]
- Nov
07 2002 - S-3754: Thu ep. from Seattle; Brook vs. Shawn vs.
Jeremy (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29}
- Nov
08 2002 - S-3755: Fri ep. from Seattle; Julia vs. Cloretta
vs. Bekki (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29}
- Nov
12 2002 - S-3757: Tue "College Week" ep. (from Seattle);
Nick vs. Jesibel vs. Diana (original broadcast w/commercials
from WLNY) {29} [1.2443]
- Nov
14 2002 - S-3759: Thu "College Week" ep. (from Seattle);
Chris vs. Lauren vs. Diana (original broadcast w/commercials
from WLNY) {29} [1.2444]
- Nov
21-22- 2002 - S-3764-3765: 2 consecutive "Family Week" epis.
from Seattle (both original broadcasts w/commercials from
WLNY) {both 30}:
- Thu
ep; Lani & Toni vs. Jeramy & Tim vs. Laurie &
Judy [1.2445]
- Fri
ep; Tiffany & Heather vs. Kristina & Charlie vs.
Renee & Mary [1.2446]
- Dec
03 2002 - S-3772: Pamela & Brenda vs. John & Amy vs.
Michael & Debbie (original broadcast w/commercials from
WLNY) {29} [1.2447]
- Dec
04 2002 - S-3773: Bonni & Karen vs. Ray & Matthew
vs. Loralyn & Heather (has a $100,000 Bonus Round win!)
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2448]
- Dec
06 2002 - S-3775: Teri & Richard vs. Van & Mollie
vs. Tanya & Barbara (original broadcast w/few
commercials from WLNY) {23} [1.2449]
- Dec
12 2002 - S-3779: Bea vs. Josh vs. Rene (has a $100,000
Bonus Round loss) (original broadcast w/commercials from
WLNY) {29} [1.2450]
- Dec
13 2002 - S-3780: Matt vs. Meer vs. Sharon (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2451]
- Dec
27 2002 - S-3790: Ann vs. Dave vs. Kim (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2452]
- Jan
14 2003 - S-3802: Denise vs. Shauna vs. Mike (has a $100,000
Bonus Round loss) (original broadcast w/commercials from
WLNY) {30} [1.2453]
- Jan
15 2003 - S-3803: Maria vs. Jane vs. Duc (original broadcast
w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2454]
- Feb
03 2003 - S-3816: Mon ep. from Nashville; La Tonyau vs. Eric
vs. Donna (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30}
- Feb
05 2003 - S-3818: Wed ep. from Nashville; Scott vs. Sheerin
vs. Leigh (original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY)
{22} [1.2456]
- Feb
07 2003 - S-3820: Fri ep. from Nashville; Zack vs. Paula vs.
Tim (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28}
- Feb
10 2003 - S-3821: Mon "Sweethearts Week" ep. (from
Nashville); Dan & Lori vs. Cyndi & Mark vs. Diane
& Bob (original broadcast w/commercials from KABC) {30}
- Feb
13 2003 - S-3824: Thu "Sweethearts Week" ep. (from
Nashville); Van & Maxine vs. Annie & Fred vs. Sheryl
& Jim (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30}
- Feb
14 2003 - S-3825: Fri "Sweethearts Week" ep. (from
Nashville); Angela & Richard vs. Amy & Keith vs.
Rick & Paula (original broadcast w/commercials from
WABC) {28} [1.2460]
- Feb
20-21 2003 - S-3829-3830: 2 consecutive "Country Music Stars
Week" eps. (from Nashville) (both original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY):
- Thu
ep. w/Ricky Skaggs, Brenda Lee, and Joe Nichols; Vicki vs.
Lee vs. Kelly {29} [1.2552]
- Fri
ep. w/Barbara Mandrell, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Pam Tillis;
Jim vs. Denise vs. Tom {30} [1.2553]
- Mar
04 2003 - S-3837: Matt vs. Bob vs. Hilda (original broadcast
w/commercials from KSDK) {29} [1.2461]
- Mar
06 2003 - S-3839: Alberto vs. Ramona vs. Sue (has the
"Sleeping Dopey" Toss-up missolve) (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2554]
- Mar
13 2003 - S-3844: Carol vs. Mimi vs. Sunny (ends in a rare
tiebreaker) (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY)
{28} [1.2462]
- Mar
18 2003 - S-3847: Tom vs. Miracle vs. Kristie (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2555]
- Apr
24 2003 - S-3874: Byron vs. Amy vs. Anita (has a $100,000
Bonus Round win) (original broadcast w/commercials from
WLNY) {29} [1.2463]
- May
01 2003 - S-3879 from San Diego: Kara vs. Richard vs. Pablo
(a contestant breaks their buzzer after the second Toss-up!)
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2556]
- May
07 2003 - S-3883: Wed "Armed Forces Week" ep. (from San
Diego); Gervy vs. Nate vs. Evan (has Pat's "You don't have
to slap my butt after every win" moment) (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2557]
- May
12 2003 - S-3886: Mon "College Week" ep. (from San Diego);
Albert vs. Sarah vs. Alicia (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2558]
- May
15 2003 - S-3889: Thu "College Week" ep. (from San Diego);
Stefanie vs. Daniel vs. Sara (original broadcast
w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.3023]
- May
20 2003 - S-3892: Jason vs. Marcie vs. Mashani (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2559]
- May
21 2003 - S-3893: John vs. Heather vs. Nancy (has the 3rd
and final $100,000 Bonus Round win of the 20th season!)
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2560]
- Sep
08 2003 - S-3901: 21st season premiere; Larry vs. Desiree
vs. Jessica (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC)
{28} [1.2200]
- Sep
11 2003 - S-3904: Thu "Big Money Week" ep; Molly vs. Shane
vs. Holly (has the Prize Puzzle debuts and it also has a
rare look behind the puzzle board at the end!) (original
broadcast w/commercials from KNSD) {28} [1.3024]
- Sep
12 2003 - S-3905: Fri "Big Money Week" ep; Chad vs. Charles
vs. "Ginger" (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC)
{28} [1.3025]
- Sep
18 2003 - S-3909: Tom vs. Miracle vs. Kristie (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2477]
- Sep
19 2003 - S-3910: Billy vs. Bill vs. Julisa (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2478]
- Sep
25 2003 - S-3914: Sharon vs. Jennifer vs. Rob (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2479]
- Oct
08 2003 - S-3923: Kevin vs. April vs. Leslie (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2480]
- Oct
09 2003 - S-3924: Marvin vs. Fawn vs. Luke (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2481]
- Oct
10 2003 - S-3925: Rusty vs. Valerie vs. Tricia (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2482]
- Oct
15 2003 - S-3928: Erin vs. Tom vs. Brian (original broadcast
w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2483]
- Oct
20 2003 - S-3931: Alvin vs. Maria vs. Julie (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2201]
- Oct
21 2003 - S-3932: Dan vs. Melanie vs. Edgar (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2202]
- Oct
22 2003 - S-3933: Paula vs. Pam vs. Cory (original broadcast
w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2701]
- Oct
23 2003 - S-3934: Michael vs. Christy vs. Tricia (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2702]
- Oct
24 2003 - S-3935: Jason vs. Tracie vs. Tynisa (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2703
- Oct
27 2003 - S-3936: Mon "Halloween Week" ep; Jason vs. Kristi
vs. Annamae (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC)
{28} [1.2203]
- Oct
28 2003 - S-3937: Tue "Halloween Week" ep; Jonathan vs.
Krysti vs. Medea (original broadcast w/commercials from
KNSD) {28} [1.2204]
- Oct
30 2003 - S-3939: Thu "Halloween Week" ep; Jacqueline vs.
Greg vs. Cheryl (original broadcast w/commercials from KNSD)
{28} [1.2205]
- Oct
31 2003 - S-3940: Fri "Halloween Week" ep; Margaret vs. Kay
vs. Joel (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28}
- Nov
03 2003 - S-3941 from New York City; Sandra vs. Dawn vs. Al
(original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2484]
- Nov
07 2003 - S-3945 from New York City; Ken vs. Kim vs. Anthony
(original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2207]
- Nov
10 2003 - 4,000th ep. (from NYC at the Radio City Music
Hall) w/no contestants or gameplay, just clips of memorable
moments (some never-before aired!) (GSN's "Merv Griffin
Tribute" airing from Aug 2007) {20} [1.2208]
- Nov
14 2003 - S-3950: Fri "Best Friends Week" ep. (from NYC at
the Radio City Music Hall); Sal & Tom vs. April & La
Toya vs. Jo & Mary Ann (one team has a total win of
$102,701!) (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28}
- Dec
03 2003 - S-3963: Erica vs. Roger vs. Ruth (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2485]
- Dec
24 2003 - S-3978: Christmas Eve ep; Derek vs. Stephen vs.
Jana (original broadcast w/commercials from KNSD) {29}
- Dec
25 2003 - S-3979: Christmas Day ep; Melinda vs. Julia vs.
Mike (original broadcast w/commercials from KNSD) {28}
- Dec
26 2003 - S-3980: post-Christmas ep; Andrea vs. Melanie vs.
Walter (has an appearance by Wayne Brady!) (original
broadcast w/commercials from KNSD) {28} [1.3026]
- Jan
05-09 2004 - S3986-3990: an entire "NFL Players Week" (all
original broadcasts w/commercials):
- Mon
ep. w/Dan Hampton, Joe Theismann, and Dan Fouts; Kara vs.
Lisa vs. Donna (from WLNY) {29} [1.2544]
- Tue
ep. w/Jerome Bettis, Eddie George, and Deuce McAllister;
Tammy vs. Cara vs. Leslie (from WABC) {28} [1.2545]
- Wed
ep. w/Trent Green, Brian Mitchell, and Moe Williams;
Danell vs. Tammy vs. Angela (from WLNY) {30} [1.2546]
- Thu
ep. w/Kris Jenkins, James Thrash, and Keyshawn Johnson;
Stephanie vs. Erica vs. Chris (from WLNY) {30} [1.2547]
- Fri
ep. w/Charlie Garner, Joey Galloway, and Matt Hasselbeck;
Sara vs. Norma vs. Shari (from WLNY) {29} [1.2548]
- Jan
12 2004 - S-3991: Laura vs. Michael vs. Diana (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2549]
- Jan
20 2004 - S-3997: Tue "Cruise Week" ep; Brookeli vs. Charita
vs. John (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28}
- Jan
23 2004 - S-4000: Matthew vs. Krystn vs. Aaron (US original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC {28}, also Canadian
original broadcast from CTV {22} [1.2486])
- Jan
27 2004 - S-4002: Brian vs. Frank vs. Kristen (original
broadcast w/commercials from WTNH) {28} [1.2487]
- Jan
28 2004 - S-4003: Cecy vs. Michael vs. Kathy (original
broadcast w/commercials from WTNH) {28} [1.2488]
- Feb
02 2004 - S-4006: Mela vs. Fred vs. Loretta (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2550]
- Feb
04 2004 - S-4008: Theresa vs. Steve vs. Brinda (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.3047]
- Feb
05 2004 - S-4009: Carol vs. Freddy vs. Faith (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2489]
- Feb
09-13 2004 - S-4011-4015: an entire "Sweethearts Week" (from
Phoenix) (all original broadcasts w/commercials from WABC)
{all 28}:
- Mon
ep; Linwood & Lola vs. Tracey & Mike vs. Buck
& Bonnie (has the 3rd $100,000 Bonus Round loss of the
21st season!) [1.3027]
- Tue
ep; Becky & Steve vs. Bryan & Tracey vs. Nancy
& Carl [1.3028]
- Wed
ep; Michael & Michelle vs. Jill & Nick vs. Ja
Nelle & Lashawn [1.3029]
- Thu
ep; John & Maria vs. Sheila & Michael vs. Joanne
& Michael (has an appearance by former "The Wizard of
Oz" cast member Margaret Pellegrini in the end) [1.3030]
- Fri
ep; Crystal & Frederick vs. Kerrie & Todd vs.
Loretta & Jeff [1.3031]
- Feb
16 2004 - S-4016: Mon ep. from their 2nd week in Phoenix;
Zeshan vs. Tovonne vs. Julie (original broadcast
w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.3032]
- Feb
17 2004 - S-4017: Tue ep. from their 2nd week in Phoenix;
Molly vs. Adam vs. Katie (original broadcast w/commercials
from WABC) {28} [1.3033]
- Feb
23-27 2004 - S-4021-4025: an entire "Best Friends Week"
(from Phoenix) (all original broadcast w/commercials from
WABC) {all 28}:
- Mon
ep; Melissa & Jasmin vs. Shie & Jeff vs. Jami
& Bridget [1.3048]
- Tue
ep; Alicia & Katie vs. Karla & Kristina vs. Oscar
& Michael [1.3049]
- Wed
ep; Donovan & Julie B. vs. Julie Y. & Alx vs.
Andrew & Josh [1.3050]
- Thu
ep; Alisa & Sadie vs. Jeremy & Mark vs. Cheriece
& Nikki [1.3051]
- Fri
ep; Nick & Mike vs. Nicole & Brittany vs. Andrea
& Todd [1.3052]
- Mar
09 2004 - S-4032: Kevin vs. Theresa vs. Kara (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2841]
- Mar
10 2004 - S-4033: Cheryl vs. Dan vs. Steve (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.3053]
- Mar
12 2004 - S-4035: Rich vs. Jolene vs. Rhonda (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2842]
- Mar
15 2004 - S-4036: Marc vs. Kimberly vs. Carol (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.3034]
- Mar
22 2004 - S-4041: Nicola vs. Joe vs. Anju (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2490]
- Mar
30 2004 - S-4047: Kriston vs. Jim vs. Nalini (ends w/an
update on former contestant Ainsley Davis) (original
broadcast w/commercials from KNSD) {28} [1.3054]
- Apr
02 2004 - S-4050: Heather (who returns due to an error in
her previous appearance) vs. Rob vs. Kristin (ends with an
update on a former "Soap City Week" contestant) (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.3008]
- Apr
21 2004 - S-4063: Erin vs. Asuncion vs. Eric (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2491]
- Apr
27 2004 - S-4067: Nicki vs. Marietta vs. Sean (original
broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {28} [1.2492]
- May
17 2004 - S-4081: Mon "College Week" ep. from San Francisco;
Andrea vs. Leah vs. Ryan (original broadcast w/commercials
from WLNY) {29} [1.2493]
- May
25 2004 - S-4087: Maurilio vs. Carrie vs. Jessica (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WABC) {22} [1.3055]
- Sep
06 2004 - S-4096: 22nd season premiere (now w/the $1,000
Mystery wedges and the newly-designed Bonus Round wheel);
Craig vs. Lindsey vs. Ashleigh (original broadcast
w/commercials from KNSD) {28} [1.2259]
- Sep
16 2004 - S-4104: Kelly vs. Danielle vs. Kent (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2639]
- Sep
27 2004 - S-4111: Priscilla vs. Andrew vs. Vitalia (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2260]
- Oct
12 2004 - S-4122: Carolyn vs. Steve vs. Dean (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2261]
- Oct
19 2004 - S-4127: Tim vs. Kristen vs. Paula (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2856]
- Oct
25 2004 - S-4131: Mon "Halloween Week" ep; Bob vs. Amber vs.
Missy (has the first $100,000 Bonus Round loss of the 22nd
season) (original broadcast w/commercials from WJLA) {28}
- Oct
29 2004 - S-4135: Fri "Halloween Week" ep; Tionna vs. Terry
vs. Doug (original broadcast w/commercials from KNSD) {29}
- Nov
02 2004 - S-4137: Jonathan vs. Nanette vs. Victoria
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2264]
- Nov
12 2004 - S-4145 from Philadelphia; Joyce vs. Michael
Rugnetta vs. Nicole (original broadcast w/commercials from
WABC) {29} [1.2640]
- Nov
16-17 2004 - S-4147-4148: 2 consecutive "Family Week" eps.
(from Philadelphia) (both original broadcasts w/commercials
from WLNY):
- Tue
ep; Marye & Ashanti vs. Carri & Aubrey vs. Marilyn
& Marcus {29} [1.2798]
- Wed
ep; Jason & Josh vs. Gretchen & Nicki vs. Marc
& Adam {30} [1.2799]
- Dec
02 2004 - S-4159: Lorraine vs. Jamye vs. Joe (original
broadcast w/commercials from WJLA) {28} [1.2504]
- Dec
24 2004 - S-4175: Christmas Eve ep; Darlene vs. Matt vs.
Patti (original brodcast w/commercials from WABC) {29}
- Jan
07 2005 - S-4185: Fri "NFL Players Week" ep. w/John Riggins,
Larry Fitzgerald and Rex Grossman; Ronald vs. Erika vs.
Michelle (original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30}
- Jan
26 2005 - S-4198: Andrea vs. Raymond vs. Sylvia (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2506]
- Feb
01 2005 - S-4202: Tue "Teen Best Friends Week" ep. from
Philadelphia; Josh & Cory vs. Samantha & Jennifer
vs. Megan & Jessica (Cory Anotado owns Pacdude Games)
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {28} [1.3009]
- Feb
03 2005 - S-4204: Thu "Teen Best Friends Week" ep. from
Philadelphia; Taylor & Vlada vs. James & Dave vs.
Basie & Kellee (has a $100,000 Bonus Round win!)
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2162]
- Feb
18 2005 - S-4215 from Las Vegas; Christine vs. Paul vs. Nora
(the one-round record of $54,000 is tied) (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2507]
- Mar
07 2005 - S-4226: Jonathan vs. Cella vs. Amber (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.3010]
- Mar
22 2005 - S-4237: Susan vs. Teresa vs. Nick (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2508]
- Apr
07 2005 - S-4249: Tasha vs. Todd vs. Danielle (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2509]
- Apr
15 2005 - S-4255: Larry vs. Todd vs. Kimberly (one of the
contestants is wheelchair-bound) (original broadcast
w/commercials from KNSD) {28} [1.2510]
- May
05 2005 - S-4269: Thu "Mom & Me Week" ep. (from Kansas
City); Matthew & Marilyn vs. Janett & Terri vs.
Jerin & Robin (original broadcast w/few commercials from
WTNH) {22} [1.2641]
- May
09-13 2005 - S-4271-4275: a weeks-worth of eps. (from Kansas
City) (all original broadcasts from WLNY) {all 22}:
- Mon
ep; Diane vs. Christian vs. Sarah [1.3056]
- Tue
ep; Sharon vs. Alison vs. Bob (has a guest appearance by
KC Royals hall-of-famer George Brett!) [1.3057]
- Wed
ep; Jennifer vs. Edward vs. Mathew [1.3058]
- Thu
ep; Colleen vs. Tara vs. Bob [1.3059]
- Fri
ep; Yvette vs. Matt vs. Jeanette [1.3060]
- May
25 2005 - S-4283: Barbara vs. Kelli vs. Dennis (original
broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {30} [1.2642]
- Sep
12 2005 - S-4291: 23rd season premiere; Gloria vs. Julie vs.
Marcus (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {29}
- Oct
05 2005 - S-4308: Jessica vs. Duvan vs. Brenda {29}
(original broadcast w/commercials from WLNY) {29} [1.2922]
- Oct
24-28 2005 - S-4321-4325: an entire "College Week" (all
original broadcasts w/commercials from WLNY):
- Mon
ep; Lacy vs. Nate vs. Lauren (the one-round record of
$54,000 is tied) {30} [1.2412]
- Tue
ep; Lisa vs. Kevin vs. Siobhan {29} [1.2413]
- Wed
ep; Amy vs. Brittany vs. David {29} [1.2414]
- Thu
ep; Ryan vs. Laura vs. Aspen {29} [1.2415]
- Fri
ep; Brett vs. Lindsay vs. Brittanye {30} [1.2416]
- Nov
02 2005 - S-4328: Wed "NBA Week" ep. w/Becky Hammon, Ray
Allen, and Mike Bibby; Rachel vs. Deone vs. Jenn(ifer)
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Nov
14-15 2005 - S-4336-4337: 2 consecutive eps. from New
- Mon
ep; Kelley vs. Jessica vs. Linda (has a $100,000 Bonus
Round win!) (original broadcast w/commercials from WABC)
{29} [1.2418]
- Tue
ep; Ben vs. Kenyatta vs. Jamie (original broadcast from
WLNY) {22} [1.2419]
- Nov
21 2005 - S-4341: Mon "Teen Best Friends Week" ep; Denise
& Ariel vs. Brandon & A-lan vs. Allie & Anna
(has a $100,000 Bonus Round win!) (original broadcast w/few
commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2420]
- Nov
28 2005 - S-4346: Valerie vs. Angella vs. Dave (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2421]
- Dec
07 2005 - S-4353: Kareem vs. Candice vs. Mary (has a
$100,000 Bonus Round loss!) (original broadcast w/few
commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2422]
- Dec
08 2005 - S-4354: Mike vs. Brenda vs. Yvette (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2423]
- Jan
13 2006 - S-4380: Todd vs. Kelly vs. Monica (Kelly
Schweitzer would go on Family Feud about a few years later)
(original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Jan
20 2006 - S-4385: Glenda vs. Tim vs. Mallory (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2425]
- Feb
21 2006 - S-4407: Tue ep. from Ft. Lauderdale; Shelly vs.
Cathy vs. Shayne (original broadcast w/few commercials from
WLNY) {22} [1.2426]
- Feb
28-Mar 03 2006 - S-4412-4415: 4 consecutive "Soap Stars
Week" eps; (all original broadcasts w/few commercials from
WLNY) {all 22}:
- Tue
ep. w/Ty Treadway, Lisa Rinna, and Jack Wagner; Lizette
vs. Elizabeth vs. Christine (has a $100,000 Bonus Round
win!) [1.2427]
- Wed
ep. w/Susan Flannery, Peter Bergman, and Deidre Hall; Ross
vs. Deborah vs. Allen [1.2428]
- Thu
ep. w/Michelle Stafford, Corbin Bernsen, and Alison
Sweeney; Tracey vs. Letitia vs. Jamie (the game ends in a
tie!) [1.2429]
- Fri
ep. w/Galen Gering, Rebecca Herbst, and Ricky Paul Goldin;
Kristin vs. Darcy vs. Sunny [1.2430]
- Apr
11 2006 - S-4442: Barb vs. Jason vs. Drexelle (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2431]
- May
15-19 2006 - S-4466-4470: an entire "College Week" from
Denver (all original broadcasts w/few commercials from WLNY)
{all 22}
- Mon
ep; Doug vs. Tricia vs. Elyse (has a $100,000 Bonus Round
Win!) [1.2432]
- Tue
ep; Kristie vs. Micah vs. David [1.2433]
- Wed
ep; Amanda vs. Alex vs. Dustin [1.2434]
- Thu
ep; Ben vs. Deanna vs. Casey (has the infamous Round 1
puzzle) [1.2435]
- Fri;
Challona vs. Carl vs. Lizzie [1.2436]
- May
30 2006 - S-4477: Timothy vs. Linda vs. Rebecka (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22} [1.2437]
- Jun
01 2006 - S-4479: Helen vs. Dale vs. Anisha (original
broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY) {22}
- Jun
09 2006 - S-4485: 23rd season finale; Liza vs. Jayne vs. Jim
(this was the last show to only be aired in standard
definition) (original broadcast w/few commercials from WLNY)
{22} [1.2406]
- Sep
11 2006 - S-4486: 24th season premiere; Heather vs. Michelle
vs. Brandon (2007 HD repeat from WABC) {22} [1.2190]
- Sep
12 2006 - S-4487: Beau vs. Sara vs. Jacob (2007 HD repeat
from WABC) {22} [1.2643]
- Sep
13 2006 - S-4488: James vs. Debra "Debbie" vs. Amy (2007 HD
repeat from WABC; temporarily switches to SD due to severe
weather alerts) {22} [1.2644]
- Sep
18 2006 - S-4491: Adam vs. Sheila vs. Melissa (SD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2497]
- Sep
26 2006 - S-4497: Helen vs. Paul vs. Ginger (SD original
broadcast w/few commercials from WABC) {23} [1.2645]
- Sep
28 2006 - S-4499: Robin vs. Ryan vs. Athena (SD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2646]
- Oct
02 2006 - S-4501: Gloria vs. Claire vs. Matthew (SD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2777]
- Oct
03 2006 - S-4502: Jonathon vs. Colleen vs. Felice (SD
original broadcast) {22} [1.2778]
- Oct
04 2006 - S-4503: Ryan vs. Beryl vs. Ali (SD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2779]
- Oct
05 2006 - S-4504: Jennifer vs. Zack vs. Dana (SD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2780]
- Oct
06 2006 - S-4505: Gina vs. Ronald vs. Debbie (SD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2781]
- Oct
09 2006 - S-4506: Amy vs. Sheena vs. Billy (SD original
broadcast w/few commercials from KOMU) {22} [1.2498]
- Oct
10 2006 - S-4507: Camille vs. Troy vs. Susan (has the first
$100,000 Bonus Round loss of the 24th season!) (SD original
broadcast from WABC) {21} [1.2499]
- Oct
11 2006 - S-4508: Susan vs. Sean vs. Brandy (SD original
broadcast from KOMU) {21} [1.2500]
- Oct
12 2006 - S-4509: Mandana vs. Sarah vs. Ed (SD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2501]
- Oct
13 2006 - S-4510: Steve vs. Lauren vs. Renate (Steve
McClellan was a former WWtBaM contestant about two years
ago) (SD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2502]
- Nov
02 2006 - S-4524: Thu "Best Friends Week" ep. from Dallas;
Steve & Jamie vs. Lucy & Karen vs. C.J. & Sheila
(SD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2503]
- Nov
06-10 2006 - S-4526-4530: an entire week of shows from
Dallas {all 22}:
- Mon
ep; Holly vs. Vivian vs. Scott (2007 HD repeat from WABC)
- Tue
ep; Alexis vs. Misty vs. Russell (2007 HD repeat from
WABC) [1.2521]
- Wed
ep; Don vs. Lindy vs. Catonya (HD original broadcast from
WABC; switches to SD for Rounds 3 and 4) [1.2522]
- Thu
ep; Amanda vs. Kanvin vs. Bo (HD original broadcast from
WABC) [1.2523]
- Fri
ep; Adam vs. Shalisa vs. Sherry (SD original broadcast
from WABC) [1.2524]
- Nov
13 2006 - S-4531: Mon "Family Week" ep. (from Dallas); Laura
& Tiffany vs. Matt & Paula vs. Tommy & Tracy (HD
original broadcast from WABC; video glitches in the Bonus
Round; switches to SD in the last segment) {21} [1.2535]
- Nov
15 2006 - S-4533: Wed "Family Week" ep. (from Dallas);
Stephanie & Wayne vs. John & Clara vs. Sara &
Lynne (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2536]
- Nov
17 2006 - S-4535: Fri "Family Week" ep. (from Dallas); Ann
& Rita vs. Donna & Karla vs. Rob & Michelle (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2537]
- Nov
27 2006 - S-4541: Erica vs. Cyndy vs. Todd (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2538]
- Nov
28 2006 - S-4542: Tyrone vs. Amanda vs. Jennifer (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2539]
- Nov
29 2006 - S-4543: Steve vs. Amanda vs. Shashona (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2540]
- Nov
30 2006 - S-4544: Juliette vs. Now vs. Peter (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2541]
- Dec
01 2006 - S-4545: Doug vs. Maria vs. Laurie (HD original
broadcast from WABC; missing 1st few minutes) {20} [1.2542]
- Dec
04 2006 - S-4546: Edye vs. Rich vs. Susanne (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2647]
- Dec
05 2006 - S-4547: Richard vs. Benita vs. Kari (w/the
1st-aired $100,000 Bonus Round win of the 24th season) (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2191]
- Dec
06 2006 - S-4548: Scott vs. Jennifer vs. Lisa (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2648]
- Dec
07 2006 - S-4549: Rebecca vs. Marcia vs. David (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2649]
- Dec
08 2006 - S-4550: Lamika vs. Casey vs. Tyler (HD original
broadcast from WABC; switches to SD in the Bonus Round and
end credits) {22} [1.2650]
- Dec
18 2006 - S-4556: Jeff vs. Evelyn vs. Linda (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2782]
- Dec
19 2006 - S-4557: Ann vs. Kent vs. Lynn (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2783]
- Dec
20 2006 - S-4558: Shaylawnda vs. Barbara vs. Larry (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2784]
- Dec
21 2006 - S-4559: Patricia vs. Doug vs. Staci (has a glimpse
of the studio from Pat’s POV with some of the staff being
mentioned at the end!) (HD original broadcast from WABC)
{22} [1.2785]
- Dec
22 2006 - S-4560: Michael vs. Joanny vs. Mary (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2786]
- Dec
25 2006 - S-4561: Wanda vs. Michael vs. Kelly (HD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2192]
- Dec
27 2006 - S-4563: Lee vs. Matthew (whose grandparents were
on the show many years ago) vs. Amanda (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2193]
- Jan
05 2007 - S-4570: Laura vs. Natalie vs. Jason (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2194]
- Jan
15 2007 - S-4576: Brian vs. Lisa vs. Meredith (HD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2787]
- Jan
16 2007 - S-4577: Shannon vs. Teri Ann vs. Ray (HD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2788]
- Jan
17 2007 - S-4578: Mary Ann vs. Jack vs. Crystal (HD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2789]
- Jan
18 2007 - S-4579: Russ vs. Brenda vs. Jonathon (HD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2790]
- Jan
19 2007 - S-4580: Karen vs. Andy vs. Jana (HD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2791]
- Jan
31 2007 - S-4588: Wed "Teen Best Friends Week" ep; Kimberly
& Stephanie M. vs. Jacob & Gonzalo vs. Natasha &
Stephanie K. (has a $14,150 Jackpot win!) (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2195]
- Feb
07 2007 - S-4593: Ayoka vs. Becca vs. Doug (the $54,000
one-round record is tied again, and it also has a $128,177
win!) (HD original broadcast from WABC; switches to SD for
round 2) {22} [1.2917]
- Feb
12-13 2007 - S-4596-4597: 2 consecutive "Country Music Stars
Week" eps. (from Charleston, SC) (both HD original
broadcasts from WABC) {both 22}
- Mon
ep. w/Trisha Yearwood, Steve Azar, and Eddie Montgomery;
Mette vs. Whitney vs. Katie [1.2909]
- Tue
ep. w/Troy Gentry, Julie Roberts and Dean Sams; Jennifer
vs. Peter vs. Kim (has the 2nd $100,000 Bonus Round win of
the 24th season) [1.2651]
- Feb
20 2007 - S-4602 from Charleston; Matt vs. Stephanie vs.
Kristina (has pictures and home video clips of a young Vanna
White at the end) (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Feb
23 2007 - S-4605 from Charleston: Courtney vs. Willis vs.
Keisha (has the 2nd $100,000 Bonus Round loss of the 24th
season) (HD original broadcast from WABC; temporarily
switches to SD for Round 2) {22} [1.2653]
- Mar
01 2007 - S-4609: Monika vs. Karla vs. Dominic (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2656]
- Mar
06 2007 - S-4612: Lynda vs. Brian vs. Gail (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2910]
- Mar
13 2007 - S-4617: Alex vs. Rebeka vs. Deb (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2657]
- Mar
14 2007 - S-4618: Lyn vs. Susie vs. Lisa (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2658]
- Mar
19 2007 - S-4621: Dawn vs. Carol vs. Jason (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2659]
- Apr
06 2007 - S-4635: Kellie vs. Nicole vs. Kate (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2196]
- May
03-04 2007 - S-4654-4655: 2 consecutive "Mom & Me Week"
eps. from San Diego (both HD original broadcasts from WABC)
{both 22}:
- Thu
ep; Heather & Andrea vs. Jackie & Chuck vs. Becky
& Denise [1.2660]
- Fri
ep; Carol & Jerome & Karen & Aimee vs.
Stefanie & Pat [1.2661]
- May
08 2007 - S-4657: from San Diego; Glenette vs. Dayna vs.
Chris (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2662]
- May
14 2007 - S-4661: Mon "Armed Forces Week" ep. from San
Diego; Jon vs. Jesse vs. Donovan (HD original broadcast from
WABC) {22} [1.2663]
- May
21 2007 - S-4666: Michelle vs. Maureen vs. Sameer (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2664]
- May
22 2007 - S-4667: Kevin vs. Stephanie vs. Jessica (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2665]
- May
30-31 2007 - S-4673-4674: 2 consecutive "Teachers Week" eps.
(both HD original broadcasts from WABC) {both 22}:
- Wed
ep; Shanda vs. Robb vs. Kelli (has the 3rd $100,000 Bonus
Round win of the 24th season!) [1.2666]
- Thu
ep; Steven vs. Heidi vs. Lyndee [1.2667]
- Jun
04 2007 - S-4676: Amber vs. Laura vs. Rolly (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2197]
- Jun
06 2007 - S-4678: Bob vs. Christy vs. Cari (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2668]
- Jun
07 2007 - S-4679: Jack vs. La Kisha vs. Dar (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2198]
- Jun
08 2007 - S-4680: 24th season finale; Yolanda vs. Dave vs.
Rachael (Dave Ramos does a GREAT imitation of Charlie
O'Donnell!) (HD original broadcast from WABC; switches to SD
during the 2nd round) {22} [1.2199]
- Sep
10 2007 - S-4681: 25th season premiere; Allen vs. Amanda vs.
Jill (the Big Money space debuts) (HD original broadcast
from WABC) {22} [1.1190]
- Sep
12 2007 - S-4683: Collen vs. Brett vs. Linda (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2583]
- Sep
17 2007 - S-4686: Lauren vs. Kristen vs. Wick (HD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2584]
- Sep
19 2007 - S-4688: Stephen vs. Robbie vs. Becki (has a
heartbreaking missolve in round 3!) (HD original broadcast
from WABC) {22} [1.2585]
- Sep
25 2007 - S-4692: Lana vs. Sheila vs. Scott (HD original
broadcast) {22} [1.2586]
- Sep
27 2007 - S-4694: Ruth vs. Jon vs. Renae (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2587]
- Sep
28 2007 - S-4695: Angel vs. Kathy vs. Mike (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2588]
- Oct
12 2007 - S-4705: Justina vs. Manny vs. Erica (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2606]
- Oct
16 2007 - S-4707: Tue "College Road Trip Week" ep; Rebecca
vs. Carolyn vs. Doug (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Oct
18 2007 - S-4709: Thu "College Road Trip Week" ep; Amber vs.
Sarah vs. Logan (HD original broadcast from WABC; SD in the
1st segment) {22} [1.2608]
- Nov
01 2007 - S-4719: Annette vs. Ayesha vs. Chad (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.3007]
- Nov
05 2007 - S-4721: Mon "Best Friends Week" ep. (from New York
City); Maria & Liz vs. Fulton & Robert vs. Geraldine
& Rita (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2609]
- Nov
07 2007 - S-4723: Wed "Best Friends Week" ep. (from New York
City); Gina & Eric vs. Kathy & Heidi vs. Debra &
Jamie (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2610]
- Nov
09 2007 - S-4725: Fri "Best Friends Week" ep. (from New York
City); Si Han & Chirs vs. Vikki & Kristin vs. Karen
& Christine (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Nov
12 2007 - S-4726: Mon "Celebrity Week" ep. (from Radio City
Music Hall) w/Robert Gossett, Diane Neal, and Neil Patrick
Harris & Diana; Megan vs. Seth vs. Diana (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2632]
- Nov
15 2007 - S-4729: Thu "Celebrity Week" ep. (from Radio City
Music Hall) w/Alison Sweeney, Jeff Probst, and Paige Hemmis;
Nick vs. Susan vs. Nancy (HD original broadcast from WABC)
{22} [1.2581]
- Nov
20 2007 - S-4732: Tue "Heroes Week" ep. from New York City;
Monica vs. John vs. Anthony (HD original broadcast from
WABC) {22} [1.2612]
- Nov
29 2007 - S-4739: Mark vs. Sarah vs. Candice (has a greeting
by Rob Reiner in the beginning) (HD original broadcast from
WABC) {22} [1.2613]
- Dec
12 2007 - S-4747: Nancy vs. Alan vs. Shanita (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2618]
- Dec
14 2007 - S-4750: Sharneena vs. Sam vs. Sarah (has a Mystery
Round rarity) (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Dec
17 2007 - S-4751: Candice vs. Melanie vs. Matt (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2620]
- Dec
21 2007 - S-4755: Nancy vs. Summer vs. Trevor (has the 1st
$100,000 Bonus Round win of the 25th season!) (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2621]
- Dec
24 2007 - S-4756: Christmas Eve ep; Patrick vs. Debra vs.
Meghan (has a return visit from the 3 contestants on Pat's
first daytime show at the end!) (HD original broadcast from
WABC) {22} [1.1195]
- Dec
31 2007 - S-4761: New Year's Eve ep; Jenny vs. Jaimi vs.
Clementine (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2622]
- Jan
14 2008 - S-4771: Jill vs. Krisinda vs. Cory (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2623]
- Jan
18 2008 - S-4775: Dave vs. Cristi vs. Lindsey (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2624]
- Jan
21 2008 - S-4776: Ashley vs. Jimmy vs. Michelle (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2625]
- Jan
23 2008 - S-4778: Gena vs. Billy vs. Taryn (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2626]
- Feb
22 2008 - S-4800: Susan vs. Penny vs. Kevin (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2627]
- Feb
27 2008 - S-4803: Becky & Elise vs. Francie & CJ vs.
Mandy & Stephen (HD original broadcast from WABC) {21}
- Mar
03 2008 - S-4806: Greg vs. Crecia vs. Marcy (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2629]
- Mar
04 2008 - S-4807: Roseanne vs. Diane vs. Luke (HD original
broadcast from WABC; switches to SD for the 2nd and 3rd
rounds) {22} [1.2630]
- Mar
11 2008 - S-4812: Shannon vs. Allison vs. Bill (has the 7th
$100,000 Bonus Round loss of the 25th season) (HD original
broadcast from WABC {22} [1.2631], also SD studio master
{29} [1.2163])
- Mar
18 2008 - S-4817: Tue "QVC Shopping Spree Week" ep. (w/an
additional $10,000 bonus on offer to Bonus Round winners);
Mindy vs. Pira vs. Kellie (HD original broadcast from WABC;
switches to SD for the 3rd toss-up and the 3rd-5th rounds)
{22} [1.2167]
- Mar
24 2008 - S-4821: Josh vs. Jamie vs. Sheila (has the 2nd
$100,000 Bonus Round win of the 25th season) (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2633]
- Mar
25 2008 - S-4822: Steve vs. Kathryn vs. Lauren (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2634]
- Apr
01 2008 - S-4827: April Fools Day ep; Pammy vs. Jana vs.
Russ (Pat has a "hair-raising" surprise for Vanna at the
end!) (HD original broadcast from WABC) {21} [1.2164]
- Apr
02 2008 - S-4828: Steven vs. Allison vs. Karhryn (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {21} [1.2165]
- Apr
03 2008 - S-4829: Christian vs. Suzanne vs. Frank (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {21} [1.2166]
- Apr
09 2008 - S-4833: Jamie vs. James vs. Saul (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2635]
- Apr
22 2008 - S-4842: Bob vs. Audra vs. Tera (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2636]
- Apr
28-May 02 2008 - S-4846-4850: an entire "College Week" from
Chicago (all HD original broadcasts from WABC) {all 22}:
- Mon
ep; Lesie vs. Andrew vs. Erika [1.2167]
- Tue
ep; Laura vs. Kelly vs. Mark [1.2168]
- Wed
ep; Andy vs. Sabrina vs. Sonya (Andy Kravis was a J! Teen
Tournament contestant back in 2002 and would later appear
on WWtBaM in 2011 and The Million Second Quiz in 2013)
- Thu
ep; Valerie vs. Nick vs. Lauren [1.2170]
- Fri
ep; Kelsey vs. Deb vs. Mike (switches to SD for the bonus
round) [1.2171]
- May-09
2008 S-4854-4855: Two consecutive "Family Week" eps. (from
Chicago) (both HD original broadcasts from WABC) {both 22}
- Thu
ep; Sabrina & Joann vs. Tim & Brian vs. Wally
& Wally [1.3066]
- Fri
ep; Lisa & Yvonne vs. Orthen & John vs. Darryl
& Duane (a team wins $116,538!) (switches to SD in the
Bonus Round and end credits) [1.2637]
- May
19 2008 - S-4861: Kayshawn vs. Adam vs. Mandi (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2638]
- May
21 2008 - S-4863: Jessica vs. Davian vs. Russell (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.3067]
- May
22 2008 - S-4864: Delta vs. Allan vs. Caitlin (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.3068]
- May
23 2008 - S-4865: Keith vs. Charlie vs. Jessica (HD original
broadcast from WABC; switches to SD for the third Toss-up
and Rounds 4-5) {22} [1.3069]
- Jun
06 2008 - S-4875: 25th season finale; Chris vs. Angela vs.
Katie (HD original broadcast from WABC; switches to SD for
Round 1, Bonus Round, and end credits) {22} [1.3070]
26th Season:
- Sep 08 2008 - S-4876: 26th season premiere;
John vs. Deb vs. Allison (the $1,000,000 space debuts!) (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.1191]
- Sep 09 2008 - S-4877: Nikki vs. Brigitta vs.
Neal (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2577]
- Sep 10 2008 - S-4878: Jason vs. Rachel vs.
Janell (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2578]
- Sep 11 2008 - S-4879: Tamara vs. Brynn vs.
Jeremy (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2579]
- Sep 12 2008 - S-4880: Ashley vs. Lane vs.
Jonelle (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2580]
- Oct 13 2008 - S-4901: Mary Ann vs. Brett vs.
Mikell (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.3071]
- Oct 14 2008 - S-4902: Pete vs. Jennifer vs.
Michelle (has the first-ever $1,000,000 win!) (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.1406]
- Oct 15 2008 - S-4903: Mindy vs. Katie vs. Josh
(who has a designated spinner) (HD original broadcast from
WABC) {22} [1.3072]
- Oct 16 2008 - S-4904: Stephen vs. Dawn vs.
Erica (has two missolves in the final round) (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2582]
- Oct 30 2008 - S-4914: pre-Halloween ep; Rick
vs. Katie vs. Lea (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Oct 31 2008 - S-4915: Halloween ep; Sonia vs.
Andrea vs. Willie (SD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Nov 04 2008 - S-4917: Sarah vs. Steven vs.
Susan (SD original broadcast from WLNY) {22} [1.2562]
- Nov 05 2008 - S-4918 from Hawaii; Mark vs.
Stephanie vs. Nancy (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Nov 10 2008 - S-4921: ep. from Hawaii; Nathan
vs. Loni vs. Mike (HD original broadcast from WABC; YouTube
rip) {22} [1.2975]
- Nov 12 2008 - S-4923: "Best Friends Week" ep.
from Hawaii; DeLara & Brad vs. Melissa & Serina vs.
Christina & Nick (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Nov 17 2008 - S-4926 "Best Friends Week"
ep. from Hawaii; Leah & Jessica vs. Jackie & Lorna vs.
Shaun & Gavan (has the second $100,000 Bonus Round win of
the 26th season) (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Nov 19 2008 - S-4928: ep. from Hawaii; Kainoa
vs. Aimee vs. Tiffany (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22}
- Nov 26 2008 - S-4933: Tara vs. Bill vs. Tracey
(has the 3rd bonus round loss for the 26h season) (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {21} [1.2564]
- Dec 08 2008 - S-4941: Kelli vs. Jessica vs.
Nik (has an appearance by Betty White) (HD original broadcast
from WABC) {22} [1.1193]
- Dec 15 2008 - S-4946: Susan vs. Jenni vs.
Edgar (has the "Fish Love" Toss-up missolve) (HD original
broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2565]
- Dec 22 2008 - S-4951: Stuart vs. Misti vs.
Lindsey (has video greetings by some of the show's staff) (HD
original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2978]
- Dec 23 2008 - S-4952: Sue vs. Nick vs. Jessica
(has video greetings by some of the show's staff and Pat and
Vanna chat with Charlie at the end) (HD original broadcast
from WABC) {22} [1.2979]
- Dec 31 2008 - S-4958: Rob vs. Jennifer vs.
Jenny (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2904]
- Jan 01 2009 - S-4959: Mark vs. Sheena vs.
Marion (this was prematurely aired on a Saturday rerun during
the 26th season) (SD original broadcast from WLNY; YouTube
rip) {22} [1.2980]
- Feb 27 2009 - S-5000: 5,000th ep; Jennifer vs.
Shari vs. Scott (SD original broadcast w/commercials from
KBJR) {29} [1.1194]
- May 11 2009 - S-5051: Jeremy vs. Jennifer vs.
Maleka (SD original broadcast w/commercials from KATU) {28}
- Sep
14-18 2009 - S-5071-5075: an entire "27th Season Premiere
Week" (from Las Vegas) (all HD original broadcasts from
- Mon
ep; Davina vs. Michelle vs. Todd (the "Free Play" space
debuts) {22} [1.2981] (also in SD {21} [1.1196])
- Tue
ep; Jeremy vs. Melissa vs. Pelly {22} [1.2982]
- Wed
ep; Amber vs. Christina vs. Grant (has a guest appearance
by Anthony Crivello in the beginning) {22} [1.2983]
- Thu
ep; Joseph vs. Dyana vs. Lorine {23} [1.2984]
- Fri
ep; Brian vs. Irene vs. Christy {22} [1.2985]
- Sep
30 2009 - S-5083: Shantella vs. Amber vs. Joseph (HD
original broadcast w/commercials from WABC) {29} [1.2614]
- Nov
20 2009 - S-5120 from Boston; Lisa vs. Patrick vs. Mardan
(HD original broadcast) {20} [1.2615]
- Dec
29 2009 - S-5147: Loita vs. Michael vs. Jenna (has the
"Self-Potato" Toss-up missolve) (SD original broadcast
w/commercials from WIVB) {29} [1.2616]
- Jan
11 2010 - S-5156: Ken vs. Christy vs. Manchie (the Bankrupt
wedge does not get landed on the whole game!) (HD original
broadcast; no closed captioning and promo fee plugs; video
in flim-like quality) {21} [1.2313]
- Jan
14 2010 - S-5159: Jenascia vs. Lisa vs. Ryan (Jenascia
Chakos was a former 2nd season contestant on "America's Next
Top Model") (HD original broadcast; no closed captioning and
promo fee plugs; video in flim-like quality) {21} [1.2314]
- Feb
12 2010 - S-5180: Fri "Sweethearts Week" ep. from Las Vegas;
Alison & Greg vs. Stephanie & Marvis vs. Jin &
Lina (SD original broadcast) {22} [1.2617]
- Sep
13 2010 - S-5266: 28th season premiere (from Las Vegas);
Jonathan vs. Lynn vs. Elizabeth (HD original broadcast) {22}
- Oct
29 2010 - S-5300: Mike vs. Kim vs. Jessica (this was Charlie
O’Donnell’s last ep. before his death) (HD original
broadcast from WLS) {20} [1.2589]
- Nov
05 2010 - S-5305: Krystle vs. Rick vs. Caitlin (has an
AMAZING solve in round 3 and a tribute to Charlie O'Donnell
at the end; Johnny Gilbert announces) (HD original
broadcast) {20} [1.1198]
- Nov
22 2010 - S-5316: Becky vs. Levy vs. Jackie (Rich Fields
announces) (HD original broadcast) {20} [1.2590]
- Nov
23 2010 - S-5317: Tony vs. Martha vs. Natalia (Rich Fields
announces) (HD original broadcast) {20} [1.2591]
- Nov
24 2010 - S-5318: Stephanie vs. Aaron vs. Rhonda (Rich
Fields announces) (HD original broadcast) {20} [1.2592]
- Nov
25 2010 - S-5319: Megan vs. Marshall vs. Von (Rich Fields
announces) (HD original broadcast) {20} [1.2593]
- Nov
26 2010 - S-5320: Jacquie vs. Nick vs. Maria (Rich Fields
announces) (HD original broadcast) {21} [1.2594]
- Mar
08 2011 - S-5392: Ashley vs. Patrick vs. Sandy (has a
$77,745 Winnebago Bonus Round win!; Joe Cipriano announces)
(HD original broadcast) {21} [1.2595]
- Mar
10 2011 - S-5394: Sheri vs. Philip vs. Marla (Philip Cousin
previously appeared on TPiR back in 2006; Joe Cipriano
announces) (HD original broadcast w/commercials) {29}
- Apr
06 2011 - S-5413: Mandie vs. Kanika vs. Matt (John Cramer
announces) (SD original broadcast w/commercials) {29}
- Apr
11 2011 - S-5416: Amy vs. Amber vs. Trevor (Joe Cipriano
announces) (HD original broadcast from WABC) {22} [1.2597]
- Apr
13 2011 - S-5418: Stacy vs. Ryan vs. Annie (Joe Cipriano
announces) (SD original broadcast w/commercials from WCCO)
{28} [1.2598]
Jim Thornton announces all episodes from this point on)
- May
04-05 2011 - S-5433-5434: 2 consecutive eps. from New
Orleans (both HD original broadcasts):
- Wed
ep; Tiffany vs. Nick vs. Lyndsey {21} [1.2599]
- Thu
ep; Marsha vs. Christy vs. Josh {22} [1.2600]
- May
23-27 2011 - S-5446-5450: an entire "Family Week" (all HD
original broadcasts) {all 20}:
- Mon
ep; Kimberly & Eydie vs. Steven & Cherise vs.
Debbie & Jimmy [1.2601]
- Tue
ep; Charlene & Randy vs. Donnika & Ladonya vs.
Connee & Glenna [1.2602]
- Wed
ep; Jose & Gio vs. Nicole & Megan vs. Rita &
Amy (has Tornado Warning alert crawls; abruptly missing
part of Round 1 due to EAS alerts about said warning)
- Thu
ep; Ashley & Susan vs. Nico & Noli vs. Celeste
& Vincent (a contestant is wheelchair-bound) [1.2604]
- Fri
ep; Taylor & Lori vs. Latanya & Andre vs. Vanessa
& Patrick [1.2605]
- Sep
19 2011 - S-5461: 29th season premiere/Mon "Family Week" ep;
Vanessa & Dave vs. Natalie & Shayla vs. Ryan &
Karen (Jim Thornton is named permanent announcer) (HD
original broadcast w/commercials from KBJR) {29} [1.1120]
- Sep
26 2011 - S-5466: Karla vs. Katy vs. Joel (this was the
first ep. to have the "1/2 Kia" tags) (HD original broadcast
w/commercials from KBJR) {29} [1.1121]
- Jan
11 2012 - S-5543: Cassandra vs. Catalina vs. Matt (HD
original broadcast from WJLA; video is in almost film-like
quality) {20} [1.2986]
- Jan
19 2012 - S-5549: Jessica vs. Felix vs. Dana (HD original
broadcast from KGO) {21} [1.2628]
- Feb
06 2012 - S-5561: Mon "Military Spouses Week" ep; Hope vs.
Rebecca vs. Renee (has a video greeting by Michelle Obama)
(HD original broadcast w/commercials from KBJR) {29}
- Apr
25 2012 - S-5618: Kelly vs. Whitney vs. David (HD original
broadcast) {20} [1.2987]
- May
14-15 2012 - S-5631-5632: 2 consecutive "College Week" eps.
(from Portland) (both HD original broadcasts from WLS) {both
- Mon
ep; Julia vs. Caleb vs. Breanna [1.2988]
- Tue
ep; Zach vs. Kindra vs. Ashley (the Bankrupt wedge doesn't
get landed on the whole game!) (has a weather warning
crawl) [1.2989]
- May
21 2012 (VTR: 4/3/12) - S-5636: Mon ep. from Portland; Nick
vs. Erin vs. Arica (HD studio master) {30} [1.2843]
- Sep
17 2012 - S-5656: 30th season premiere; Lisa vs. Candace vs.
Matt (HD original broadcast w/commercials from KBJR) {29}
- Oct
15 2012 (VTR: 7/26/12) - S-5676: Bethany vs. Noyana vs. Bill
(HD original broadcast) {21} [1.2990]
- Nov
05 2012 - S-5691: Holly vs. Sharonda vs. Jeremy (HD original
broadcast from WBFF; video in film-like quality) {21}
- Nov
23 2012 - S-5705: Russell vs. Kathy vs. Erin (HD original
broadcast) {21} [1.2992]
- Nov
30 2012 - S-5710: Jason vs. Kathy vs. Ashley (HD original
broadcast) {21} [1.2993]
- Mar
06 2013 - S-5778: Nicole vs. Michael vs. Dave (has a brief
on-camera appearance by a cue card person in the end) (HD
original broadcast from WOIO; has blurry video) {22}
- Mar
21 2013 - S-5789: Susanna vs. Andrew vs. Jen (HD original
broadcast w/commercials from KXAN; missing last several
seconds) {28} [1.2995]
- Apr
15 2013 - S-5806: Patrice vs. Krystie vs. Steven (HD
original broadcast from WBFF; video in almost film-like
quality) {22} [1.2996]
- May
15 2013 - S-5828: Wed "Best Friends Week" ep. from New York
City; Kevin & Chris vs. Sheila & Colleen vs. Justin
& Brad (a clip from Pat's 1st daytime show is shown in
the end) (HD original broadcast; has blurry video) {22}
- Sep
16 2013 - S-5851: 31st season premiere from Las Vegas; Jil
vs. Portia vs. Ryan (the Express Wedge debuts) (HD original
broadcast w/commercials) {29} [1.1124]
- Sep
15 2014 - S-6046: 32nd season premiere/Mon "Teachers Week"
ep; Tris vs. Yolanda vs. Kristen (HD original broadcast
w/commercials from KNSD) {35} [1.1282]
- Sep
17 2014 - S-6048: Wed "Teachers Week" ep; Hector vs. Sarah
vs. Heidi (has the third $1,000,000 Bonus Round win!) (SD
original broadcast; video in film-like quality) {19}
- Oct
14 2014 - S-6067: Michelle vs. Charles vs. Melissa (ends
w/clips of Jim Thornton exploring NYC during the show’s
recent visit) (HD original broadcast; missing first several
seconds of 2nd segment and last couple of seconds of the
show) {20} [1.1323]
34th Season:
- Nov 29
2016 - S-6492: Tue "Family Week" ep; Rhonda & Brittany vs.
Otto & Olivia vs. Anita & Josh (a funny answer is
given in the 1st Toss-Up) (HD streaming copy from Pluto) {20}
- Nov 30
2016 - S-6493: Wed "Family Week" ep; Debby
& Ray vs. Heather & Joetta vs. Christopher &
Anne (HD streaming copy from Pluto) {20} [1.2211]
- Jan
08 2021 - S-7315: Nicole vs. Matt vs. Denise (HD original
broadcast w/commercials from WPVI) {28} [1.1797]